
In addition to our consulting services, we offer training courses, including TOGAF, UML and Archimate.

Extension of our
Consulting services

As an extension of our consulting activities, we also offer training: Upon customer request, we conduct TOGAF, UML and Archimate trainings. For specific trainings of individual tools, we recommend the courses of the respective providers or specialized training companies.

Several of our Enterprise Architecture customers had pronounced interest in TOGAF trainings. TOGAF’s Architecture Development Method (ADM) is becoming more and more THE standard for developing and managing architectures. Details on the corresponding webpages TOGAF 9 – and of course in our trainings!

Enthusiatic Feedbacks on our trainings
«This course converts the TOGAF ADM theory into applicable practice».
«We were very impressed with the broad experience of the trainer».
«A perfect blend of group work on real business scenarios and theoretical overviews»

-> makes you want to participate in one of those courses? Details below….

Course Details
Certified TOGAF trainers will give public trainings at the following locations:  currently none scheduled

Inhouse Courses
We are also offering inhouse trainings for companies/larger groups.
A maximum of 12 participants per course are accepted
Please mail your interest and any questions to info(at) or call t2b.

Course Objectives
The course is aimed at providing a thorough understanding of the concepts and principles of Enterprise Architecture in general and the Open Group TOGAF framework and Architecture Development Method (ADM) in particular.

Candidates should have several years general experience and exposure to I.T. Prior knowledge of Enterprise Architecture is an advantage.

TOGAF®  Training (4 Days) 
The TOGAF raining programme is geared to providing excellent preparation for the exam and can either be tailored specifically for an organisation or be delivered as standard, according to the regulations and guidelines stipulated by The Open Group®. The tailoring of the TOGAF TM certification programme is complimentary and we highly recommend that you take this option. We can swiftly build the tailored programme using detail about your organisation, its culture, infrastructure, issues, project materials etc. to be used as real life working examples.

Early Bird Bookings
8 weeks or more before the course date are awarded with reduction of 15% on the course fee!

Terms & Conditions
The regular course fee* is CHF 900.- + VAT per day of course and includes training material, refreshments and lunch. The Opengroup’s certification fee for TOGAF is extra.
A «five for the price of four» discount is available for groups from the same company.
If your company needs a purchase order number on our invoice, please send this number with your registration.
All reservations and cancellations must be made in writing or via email.
For cancellations made less than 2 weeks before the training, 50% of the training fee will be charged. No-shows and cancellations on/after the training start date will have to be fully paid. Substitutions may be made at any time.

If you do not want your name to be published in the OpenGroups TOGAF Certified Practitioner Registry , please tell us when registring.
We reserve the right to change the scheduled date of the course. For additional trainings outside of Switzerland visit: inspired!

* this is promotional price for customers from end-users; participants from consulting companies have to pay the full price of CHF 1100.- per day, which is also eligible for early bird reduction

Contact us

t2b’s Quality Management System passed the ISO9001 audit!

when working on customer sites, we most often have to adhere to our valued customers› Quality Management Systems. Documents we produce for them are stored on customers› infrastructure and the corresponding processes are documented there.

12.Nov'19: we are ISO9001 certified!

For t2b projects, internal process, as well for our consulting and architecture work we also follow our t2b QMS processes, which «live» on our Office365 Sharepoint environment (called bluediks) for the bigger part.

We are proud that we passed our initial audit without any findings!

You find our certificate here

Many thanks to the team!

Patrick Toenz