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Wir sind ein Team, das auf Enterprise Architektur, Integrations- und Daten-Architektur spezialisiert ist.

t2b sind 25 Seniors und wir beraten Kunden, erstellen Konzepte und Vorgehensweisen, und implementieren diese auch.

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t2b’s Quality Management System passed the ISO9001 audit!

when working on customer sites, we most often have to adhere to our valued customers› Quality Management Systems. Documents we produce for them are stored on customers› infrastructure and the corresponding processes are documented there.

12.Nov'19: we are ISO9001 certified!

For t2b projects, internal process, as well for our consulting and architecture work we also follow our t2b QMS processes, which «live» on our Office365 Sharepoint environment (called bluediks) for the bigger part.

We are proud that we passed our initial audit without any findings!

You find our certificate here

Many thanks to the team!

Patrick Toenz