t2b - technology to business

bei uns bekommen Sie:

  • Einen pragmatischen Partner mit kurzen Entscheidungswegen.
  • Erfahrene Berater – wir wollen und können Ihnen helfen.
  • Kunden-Fokus – unser Erfolg ist Ihr Erfolg.
  • Hersteller-unabhängige Beratung und Evaluationen.
  • Best-practice Prozesse mit pragmatischem Technologie-Einsatz.
  • Effiziente KI-Lösungen auf Basis unserer KI Plattform.
  • Referenzen von hochzufriedenen Kunden.

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Our experience in numbers

In our long history, we have accumulated an extensive range of experience and achieved numerous milestones.
IT projects
Years experience


t2b’s Quality Management System passed the ISO9001 audit!

when working on customer sites, we most often have to adhere to our valued customers› Quality Management Systems. Documents we produce for them are stored on customers› infrastructure and the corresponding processes are documented there.

12.Nov'19: we are ISO9001 certified!

For t2b projects, internal process, as well for our consulting and architecture work we also follow our t2b QMS processes, which «live» on our Office365 Sharepoint environment (called bluediks) for the bigger part.

We are proud that we passed our initial audit without any findings!

You find our certificate here

Many thanks to the team!

Patrick Toenz